
Video Preview

Cube Model Preview

Cube Model Preview

Puzzle Cube Texture(2048x2048)

Puzzle Cube Texture(2048x2048)

GUI Palette

GUI Palette

Teleport Hole Texture(1024x1024)

Teleport Hole Texture(1024x1024)



Vista is a 3D Labyrinth puzzle game built for mobile devices(iOS and Android). It is based around tilt mechanics and was developed in the Unity game engine. I collaborated to create Vista with a team of four other game design students at the National High School Game Academy in the Summer of 2018 at Carnegie Mellon University. I was the sole 2D and 3D Artist on the team and created assets using Adobe Photoshop CC and Autodesk Maya 2018, respectively. The other roles included two Programmers and a Sound Designer/Producer. The attached video shows a demo of me playing the final version of the game.