AR Experiences: Drexel's Electrified Exhibit

Niantic 8th Wall AR Portal

Meta Spark AR Instagram Filter

3D assets

3D assets

Lava Lamp Animation

Electrified Exhibit Signage

Electrified Exhibit Signage

Electrified App

Electrified App

In-Person Exhibit Tour (one room only)

Exhibit on Drexel's Website

Exhibit on Drexel's Website

I designed and developed interactive augmented reality experiences as part of Drexel University's Electrified exhibit on campus, which ran from September 22, 2023 to December 30, 2023. This exhibit commemorates 50 years of the Electric Factory in Philadelphia, and our team paid homage to Pink Floyd's iconic album, "Dark Side of the Moon."

Leveraging Niantic's 8th Wall platform, my team and I crafted an engaging "Journey to The Dark Side of the Moon" AR portal. My role involved the creation and implementation of 3D assets, including the lava lamp, planets, and song discs. Additionally, I utilized Meta Spark Studio to develop an Instagram filter inspired by John Lennon's "Let It Be". This project marked my inaugural venture into exporting optimized GLTF files, a format commonly employed in AR platforms and other web-based content.