The Story of Survival-Board Game
Cover Art

Cover Art

Assembled Game Board

Assembled Game Board

Lasercut Meeples (Acrylic)

Lasercut Meeples (Acrylic)

Game Pitch

Game Pitch

Lasercut Meeples (Acrylic)

Lasercut Meeples (Acrylic)

Game Tile #1

Game Tile #1

Game Tile #2

Game Tile #2

Edge Pieces

Edge Pieces

Knight Card

Knight Card

Building Costs Card

Building Costs Card

Wood Resource Card

Wood Resource Card

Snow Resource Card

Snow Resource Card

Water Resource Card

Water Resource Card

Sand Resource Card

Sand Resource Card

Custom recreation of the original The Story of Catan board game.
Cover Art, Game Tiles, Edge Pieces, Knight Card, Building Costs Card, and Resource Cards created in Adobe Photoshop CC by Daniel Borkow. Lasercut Meeples created in Adobe Illustrator CC by Daniel Borkow.
Free Images and Graphics taken from Unsplash and GraphicBurger.
All assets created from October to December of 2019 for the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design.